Patty Barclay takes a suitcase to Puerto Vallarta

Thank you Patty Barclay for your feedback on your suitcases drop off to a clinic in Puerto Vallarta!:

a) Did you met an interesting people? 
yes … and no. The person who was supposed to meet us, who I had been communicating with and and who spoke English was called away to an emergency meeting, We met with someone who did not speak English (and unfortunately we don’t speak Spanish). We were lucky that our driver was able to translate

b) Did you experience any adventures on your trip? (NJT volunteers are excited to know and follow your path.)
We were in Puerto Vallarta and most of our time was in the city, walking, relaxing,

c) What the hospital/clinic was like?
the clinic was a single building in a small community an hour out of PV. It serves the local community that is often unable to afford health care on their own. I have the paperwork that I will send to the address (250 QQW in Toronto) as to their specific needs.

d) I am most curious as to why it was important for you to take a suitcase? (I know it’s not always easy)
It’s important for me because I recognize that I am extremely privileged as a middle-class, waged, able-to-travel person from Canada. I would like to give back to the (near) community if I am to keep traveling there. I am returning to PV this December and hope to more in the future.

This clinic is in need of a heart monitor and funds for building repairs as well as medical supplies. I am hoping to strengthen the relationship in the future either through personal donations, organizing fundraisers and working with organizations including NJT.

Below are pictures of our visit to the clinic

all the best,


Canadian Address: 214 Wright Ave (Roncesvalles), Toronto, Ontario

US Address: 3731 E. Casselle Ave, Orange, California
email: [email protected] Tel: +1(657) 348-4236