Hero John Adams delivers a suitcase to Mexico

My trip and delivery of my first suitcase when very well. No issues with US or MEX Customs.

To answer your specific questions, I met or re-met the leadership Dr. Roberto Aceves of the local Red Cross in the municipality of Chapala on Lake Chapala in the state of Jalisco, which is outside the city of Guadalajara.They are very appreciative of the safety equipment and supplies included to help protect Clinic and ambulance personnel from infections.

The local Red Cross operates an emergency ambulance and rescue service plus a 24/7 clinic with X-rays etc. It serves a Lakeside population of about 40,000 residents and another 15,000 tourists (snowbirds and sunbirds). My favourite time of the year there is July and August to escape heat and humidity of southern Ontario and not so many tourists.

It was this clinic’s first knowledge and experience with NJT and the fact I am taking a second suitcase later this week will reinforce the value of this connection.

The clinic has basic equipment, no government funding. So private donations are crucial and the medical supplies and equipment from NJT is very beneficial.

We hope that a news story in the local English-language weekly newspaper will inform and encourage others to connect with NJT.

Why suitcase? I travel a lot including frequent trips to Lake Chapala where I gave a second home. Taking an extra suitcase is no problem for me and it is making a difference for local residents in a their context of limited income and very limited resources for public health.The local chapter of the Mexican Red Cross (Cruz Roja) in the municipality of Chapala on Lake Chapala says thanks.

– Hero John Adams, Mexico who was also published in a local newspaper while on his trip!

Canadian Address: 214 Wright Ave (Roncesvalles), Toronto, Ontario

US Address: 3731 E. Casselle Ave, Orange, California
email: [email protected] Tel: +1(657) 348-4236