Steve Hargraves delivers a suitcase to Cuba

A great, big thank you to Steve and his wife for delivering NJT London Chapter suitcases on their vacation to Playa Jicaibo, Cuba on a sprained ankle! We hope you have a speedy recovery!

“I thought because we bought a vacation package from Transat and not just a flight that we were eligible for the 2 baggage each limit, but for some reason the E-doc they sent me was wrong and we had to pay for the NJT suitcase, oh well, its worth much more than $35 to the people of Santa Cruzde Norte. Interestingly enough my wife severely sprained her left ankle the first night there walking in pitch black conditions on an asphalt road that disintegrated under our feet…she had been holding my hand but she had just let go to fetch her cell phone from her purse to use as a flashlight when she went “assover tea kettle” (to borrow a phrase from my late grandfather). The Cuban locals who were waiting on a bus were quick to help and before long a nurse showed up from the resort with a wheelchair. She spent the whole 7-days of our vacation wheeled around the resort in that wheelchair. I think I grew some muscles!
Our contact with the doctor at the Nurses Station at Villa Jibacoa (Tropico) led to our donation of the NJT suitcase to him, not for the tourists of the resort, but to him in his capacity as a doctor at the hospital in Santa Cruz de Norte, he was most appreciative. I think it was a bigger hospital than we were prepared to donate it to, but it was an act of appreciation on our part as well. He was a compassionate and caring human being”

–Steve Hargraves

Canadian Address: 214 Wright Ave (Roncesvalles), Toronto, Ontario

US Address: 3731 E. Casselle Ave, Orange, California
email: [email protected] Tel: +1(657) 348-4236