George and Jill take a suitcase to Cuba

George and Jill sharing some wonderful Not Just Tourists medical supplies to a clinic in Cuba! Thank you for putting Policlinico Luis Ramirez Lopez “on-the-map” and sharing with us your wonderful story about your travels:

“This was my second trip as an NJJT traveler to Cuba. On this trip, we visited a clinic in the town of El Cobre, about 20 km west of Santiago de Cuba. I took note of this clinic last year, when we passed by on our way to see the Basílica Santuario Nacional de Nuestra Señora de la Caridad
del Cobre (National Shrine Basilica of Our Lady of Charity, El Cobre) – a name which served as a fitting reminder of the purpose of our visit to El Cobre this year!

When we arrived at the clinic, Policlinico Luis Ramirez López, (GPS: 20.051881, -75.944174 courtesy of Google Maps) we were greeted by a security guard who told us that we needed to go back out onto the street and go up a separate driveway to the clinic’s administrative offices. We followed his instructions, and once there, our cabbie was very helpful in locating the person in charge – the head doctor and chief administrator, who was very gracious indeed.

After filling in the NJTT paperwork, she had us drive back to the clinic entrance, as she made her way from the office to the clinic on foot. She greeted us in front of the building and escorted us to a small examination room inside the building. We waited briefly while she gathered as many staff members as possible to come and see what the Canadians had brought in our “special suitcase”.

I hope to return to Cuba many times in the future, and I will be sure to pick up more supplies to take with me on every trip. The small cost incurred for the extra suitcase ($32.00) is worth every penny, knowing that the medical supplies within will be appreciated and put to good use.

Best wishes to all the wonderful volunteers at Not Just Tourists Toronto!!

George and Jill Baumann

P.S. I have contacted Google Maps and added this clinic as a “point of interest” to their system. This should make it easier to locate for all future travelers.”

Canadian Address: 214 Wright Ave (Roncesvalles), Toronto, Ontario

US Address: 3731 E. Casselle Ave, Orange, California
email: [email protected] Tel: +1(657) 348-4236