Sandy and Marg take a suitcase to Cuba

Sandy and Marg took suitcases to Cuba, thanks so much ladies!

“Marg and I had a successful and rewarding experience delivering the two medical supply suitcases. We had no issues at all at customs, no questions.

1. We delivered the smaller suitcase to the local small clinic close to Sierra Mar Resort. The address is Bahia Largo ( on your list). They were very grateful. There are five staff: dr, dentist, nurse, social worker and office manager. The clinic has two patient rooms; one for medical and one for dental and a waiting area. It was clean but very basic. The scrubs were very appreciated and we noticed they did not have clean linen on the examining table nor privacy drape and suggested they use one of the scrubs. Their supplies were limited. They were happy with everything we brought including the speculums. Marg returned a second time to deliver blood pressure cuffs, polysporin and stethoscopes (she brought) and they were wearing the scrubs. They asked for pain meds, antibiotics and ointment for infections and dental tools.

2. We delivered the larger suitcase to the hospital in Chiverico. This facility was larger then we expected and very clean. Large maternity ward, fracture and Xray dept, chemo, dental, optical and surgery, an Er dept. ( and more). We met with Nurse Nadia, the Director and an administer. They were also very pleased and grateful for the donations. It was more difficult here to see what supplies they had or needed. Bandages and gauze were appreciated.

We were glad to deliver these bags and support these clinics.
Thank you for your assistance and volunteer time.”

Canadian Address: 214 Wright Ave (Roncesvalles), Toronto, Ontario

US Address: 3731 E. Casselle Ave, Orange, California
email: [email protected] Tel: +1(657) 348-4236