Rosa takes a suitcase to Lima

Rosa took a suitcase all the way to Lima, Peru! Thank you so much Rosa! [NJT Toronto]

“My vacation went great, I was so sad to leave, it was great to visit family, old friends and my precious ocean, I am a bodyboarder so that’s what I miss the most, the waves! I was surfing everyday and visiting family a lot, sadly my trip to the north didn’t pan out but I was able to get the suitcase delivered to a medical post in a small town in Lambayeque close to Piura, named Olmos, by my cousin and wife who live in that town and were in Lima visiting at the same time as I was.

They were more than happy to deliver the suitcase and I am attaching pics of the exchange ? For me every time i travel I try to create a positive impression on the people I meet, specially trying to break through stereotypes of my punk look (tattoos and piercings) and I always try to help people that needs it the most. I was also able to bring 6 other suitcases full of clothes and shoes and toiletries for some of the people I know down there that have very scarce resources. So yes everywhere i travel i try to have a good impact and help out! and not a problem! I’ll reach out again for my next trips this year ?


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