Ray and Randall delivers a suitcase to Haiti

Ray and Randall, who dropped two suitcases out in Haiti : Fantastic job!

“We had a very successful trip and giving the suitcase of medical supplies to clinic was really appreciated.

We did have some pressure by customs people but thanks to a Haitian friend traveling with us was able to get through customs to deliver to clinic.

Our main objective was to meet with local Rotary club in Les Cayes to create a relationship where we can support a charity we work with in Haiti “Small Footprints Big Steps” which is an organization that work with street children and others children at risk.

We did get to visit local general hospital which as most know is barely operational. Employees including doctors and nurses have not been paid for 6 months but continue to do their best.

We meet several people who are dedicating their time and resources to help the poor of Haiti. Including the place where we stayed owner also helped to fund a school which is teaching 50 children during summer when school is out. The volunteer teachers’ pay their own way from western countries to help with teaching and giving children a lunch which in most cases could be only meal of the day.

The clinic we provide the medical supplies to “Foundations Tous Ensemble” are a rehabilitation professionals who work with people who require physio therapy and medical aid to maintain mobility. In addition services including maintaining and repairing prosthesis. They have a nurse to caring wounds and sores of patients. They have technicians providing and repairing Crutches, wheelchairs and walkers etc.

They originally were working as part of a NGO that recently pulled out of Haiti. As individuals they decided to stay on and have been able to maintain most of the services through support from family and friends.

They were so appreciative of getting the supplies which is very hard to obtain and expensive. Ray and I felt good knowing in a small way we made a difference to help the people of Haiti.”

Canadian Address: 214 Wright Ave (Roncesvalles), Toronto, Ontario

US Address: 3731 E. Casselle Ave, Orange, California
email: [email protected] Tel: +1(657) 348-4236