Peggy Nagle takes a suitcase to Holguin

“Thank you very much for the opportunity to take two suitcases of medical supplies to the Hospital Mario Munoz Monroy in Rafael Freyre, Holguin Province, Cuba. I made the connection with the hospital through a nurse at the medical clinic of the resort where we were vacationing. 

We four tourists were left with a very distinct memory of the visit. My husband said that in twenty years when he looks back on this trip to Cuba, the hospital visit will be his strongest memory. Quite surprisingly to us, we were escorted as honoured guests to the directors office where the group of doctors and nurses waited for us.

The hospital director, Doctor Kati Avila Rodriguez, received and opened the suitcases, examining and announcing the contents of each bag. I wish you could have seen the look of suppressed delight that passed between her and another doctor when they identified the colostomy supplies. They were very pleased to receive all of the supplies and expressed their thanks to NJT.

I hope we have the opportunity to take another bag on a future visit. We know that this gift from NJT will make a big impact on their ability to care for their patients. In Cuba, they have very good medical education and many trained doctors, but unfortunately, they do not have supplies and drugs readily available to treat patients, so this gift to them is very welcomed. 

Be assured that the work you do to assemble and package the supplies is exceedingly important and makes a huge difference to the residents of this country. It is much appreciated.

Thanks to all the students who volunteer for NJT. Your hard work is definitely worthwhile.”-Peggy Nagle through NJT Waterloo

Canadian Address: 214 Wright Ave (Roncesvalles), Toronto, Ontario

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