Kenneth delivers a suitcase to Ho Chi Minh

Big thanks to Kenneth for taking supplies all the way to Vietnam! [NJT Toronto & NJT St. Catherines]

“I would like to send my biggest thanks to you and Not Just Tourist for the support you provided to myself and the Dieu Giac Orphanage in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

I was able to pick up 13lbs of meds from Denise in St Catherines as well as a medium size suitcase of medical supplies for the Orphanage. In additional to this I was able to raise money to get additional meds and supplies for them.

All in all we were able to donate:
1 x suitcase of Medicine 
1 x suitcase of Medical supplies 
1 x bag of Children’s Medicine
12 x 25kg bags or Rice
2 x 4.9L containers of Soy Sauce
2 x 25kg containers of Cooking Oil
2 x 5kg bags of Salt
6 x 4kg containers of Dish Soap
3 x 4kg containers of Body Wash
14 x 640g bottles of Shampoo
12 x 640g bottles of Conditioner
6 x 5.5kg bags of Laundry Detergent
25 x 35g tubes of Toothpaste
100 x Toothbrushes
6 x Mop Containers
6 x Floor Cleaners
Besides lugging the bags everything went seamless and as planned.

They were very touched and thankful for receiving the donations. In fact the kids were jumping for joy to have seen a truck full of stuff being sent their way.

Fun Fact: as we were going on a shopping spree at their ‘Costco-like’ supermarket, they specially reserved a truck and a few men to help delivery the truck load of items to the Orphanage for us. One of the men (the man in black in the photo below) mentioned to us that he was raised at this orphanage and told us that if it were not for help from others he would be on the streets. Instead he put himself through school and is currently in University studying to become a Web Designer.

Without your help this would not have been as successful. Please forward this to Denise.

Big thanks once again.
With much thanks,
Kenneth “

Canadian Address: 214 Wright Ave (Roncesvalles), Toronto, Ontario

US Address: 3731 E. Casselle Ave, Orange, California
email: [email protected] Tel: +1(657) 348-4236