Jonny delivers a suitcase to Cuba

Here is Jonny’s story of his trip in donating an NJT suitcase to Cuba!! Great work! ??????
“My trip was very educational, and I managed to see many parts and aspects of the country. Customs was fine, I was stopped as my baggage had been tagged as containing pharmaceuticals, but after I explained that there were no actual medical drugs in the case they were very happy to let me through.
I gave my suitcase to the director a a large polyclinic in the Old Havana district. I had thought maybe a large hospital in an urban area like this wouldn’t have as much need for the supplies but when I got there I realised the extent of their shortages. The doctors and hospital staff were very busy so they didn’t have much time to talk, although I did get a chance to shadow a doctor for a few hours as they visited their local consulting room.
Unfortunately, I didn’t get the chance to take that many photos or even videos because they seemed really busy.
However, I did manage to get one of the hospital director with a glucometer that was part of the supplies”

Canadian Address: 214 Wright Ave (Roncesvalles), Toronto, Ontario

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