Rignam delivers a suitcase to Nepal

I was overjoyed that I was able to carry medical supplies to Nepal for Not Just Tourists Manitoba. I was able to bring the suitcase to a Tibetan Refugee Settlement in Pokhara, Nepal. I arrived at the settlement on a beautiful sunny day, and was met by the Settlement Officer. He was a kind man, who was delighted to receive the medical supplies. They have a small clinic in the settlement that serves the community.

He also told me that he oversees areas in very remote and ruralmountainous regions where supplies are difficult to transport. He promised to me that he would send many of the supplies to those remote areas where medical help and supplies are scarce.

The settlement officer then took me on a tour of the area, showing the the different schools and temples that are situated in the settlement. The story of how it came to be was definitive of the struggles of Tibetans all over the world. They had to build this settlement from nothing, and many had died during the early days of Tibetan migration. But they have persevered and created a resilient and tight knit community within Nepal.

It was such a blessing for me to visit the peaceful settlement and to also be able to bring medical supplies donated by kind Manitobans made it even better. I am so thankful to have been able to help in what little way I could and am thankful to the kindness of everyday people.



Canadian Address: 214 Wright Ave (Roncesvalles), Toronto, Ontario

US Address: 3731 E. Casselle Ave, Orange, California
email: [email protected] Tel: +1(657) 348-4236