John takes a suitcase to Remedios

“John and I took the suitcases to Remedios with#Cubana. As the dollar isn’t doing well, we had the bus driver stop in Remedios on our way to our destination. We handed them to a trusted friend who took them to her local hospital. John has all the paperwork from her and will be delivering it to you. 

As an aside… I was injured while in Cuba and now have first hand experience of their medical facilities. I was shocked. I knew it would be bad, but not this bad. They don’t have digital imaging, so the Dr at the clinic made Film of my xray and walking outside the building to view them with sun light. I was then sent by ambulance to Caiberien (1 hour ride) to the nearest hospital. but the ambulance didn’t go to the hospital.. they took John and I to the Doctors HOME, where he put a plaster cast on my arm in his kitchen, while his wife was cooking crab claws. LOL Very interesting experience, for sure. 
We joked about him using our supplies.”

-Sandy Hessel

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