Harold delivers a suitcase to Santa Marta

Not Just Tourists – Manitoba has another story from Harold who is a frequent traveler to Cuba:

Here is a picture that shows the head doctor to my right and the hospital administrator to her right and myself and my two sons.

The hospital is lacking in everything especially gloves needles medicine etc. They are very appreciative of what we bring and very thankful.

This trip each of my sons and I took a suitcase to the hospital in Santa Marta just outside of Varadero. This is a different hospital then the one I took the last time.

We were very well received although I think this was the
first time they had gotten a donation of this magnitude so were really hesitant to show us the normal warmth but after we opened the suitcases and showed them what we had brought they warmed up immediately.

It is quite a large hospital with a lot of doctor’s and nurses serving the people of the community and surrounding area. It deals with all matter of illness and treatments.

After many trips to Cuba I am starting to get to know a number of different people including doctors nurses store keepers etc as well as neighbors to the house that we stay in each time. The people are always friendly and happy to see you and chat I just wish my Spanish which is learned from watching Zoro as a kid was mucho better so that communication is always better but I have a close friend that is with me that speaks fluent English and Spanish which helps. I have been able to tour parts of the country but hope to do more in the future. The vehicles and the trucks that you can travel in are so different than here and the weather is 90% fantastic what is not to love about the visit.

It made my sons feel proud that they have been able to contribute to a community that is much less fortunate than ours and it was really nice to connect with the people.

I want to thank the volunteers that supply us with the suitcases full of supplies Westjet for flying them for free. You all deserve the feeling of success in helping the less fortunate.

Thank you


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