Greg takes a suitcase to Gibara

Greg took a suitcase all the way to Cuba, and completed the journey by scooter! Well done! [NJT Toronto]

“Thank-you very much NJT, for letting me help with Medical Supplies for Gibara, Cuba.

The hospital is 70 km from the hotels near Guardalavaca, but the roads make it a full day trip by scooter. This was my fourth trip to this hospital, so I knew to leave early. The road to Rafael Freyre is between the Holguin airport and the tourist area, and is fairly well-maintained. I noticed a policeman by the side of the road, but wasn’t concerned about my rented 125cc Suzuki being pulled over since I had my NJT Documents. Once I turned north to Fray Benito, I shared the (rougher) paved road with horse drawn carriages, bicycles, pedestrians, old cars and small motorcycles. The Floro Perez section is a 20 km gravel road, with a few pedestrians, and fewer vehicles.

I arrived at the offices, and was warmly greeted. He mentioned he’s the former Hospital Administrator, recognizes the Medical Supplies as very carefully chosen, and is greatly appreciative.

I was more relaxed on the return trip and more able to enjoy the spectacular views, since the scooter was no longer overloaded. Nearing the resort area, I passed by the same policeman I had seen earlier that morning. I think he remembered me, and noticed the scooter without the large suitcase. He gave me a friendly wave and two thumbs up.


Canadian Address: 214 Wright Ave (Roncesvalles), Toronto, Ontario

US Address: 3731 E. Casselle Ave, Orange, California
email: [email protected] Tel: +1(657) 348-4236