Deb V delivers a suitcase to Cuba

“Second trip to Cuba -I left with my full suitcase, no issue what so ever at the Cuban airport security. From my first trip I knew that there are sometimes bumps in getting the suitcase to where it needs to be. I spoke with the guest services manager who stated that the clinic close to the resort had a lot of supplies, and recommended a town about 20 kms away I had one clinic on my list for that town, and also a couple of other clinics in the same direction. Off I went in a taxi – My driver was quite proficient in English. He did not know where the clinic was that was on the list, but stated that we could ask and he would find it. I stated that it did not matter if he knew of a different clinic. I explained what I had in my suitcase. He took us to the clinic that his wife goes to! It was a small clinic with one nurse and one doctor. He made sure to ask if they would be able to get what they did not need to either other clinics or the hospital and also stated (before I asked) that they would sign papers to say that they got the supplies. They were very happy to have the supplies. Always a highlight for me on my trips to be able to bring supplies that were either going to be tossed, or “expired” or surplus just taking up space never to be used!”- Deb V, Chatham

Canadian Address: 214 Wright Ave (Roncesvalles), Toronto, Ontario

US Address: 3731 E. Casselle Ave, Orange, California
email: [email protected] Tel: +1(657) 348-4236