Dave takes a suitcase to Cuba

Meet Dave. Him and his wife Ingrid brought two NJT suitcases to Cuba with them. The suitcases were filled with their son Brandon’s medical supplies from receiving homecare. What a wonderful way to continue on his legacy of generosity by giving to those in need. Thank you for contacting us [NJT Simcoe County] and sharing your story. Please read these words from Dave and see the photos below of Brandon, and his Dad Dave with the two suitcases…

“Thank you so much for working late for me on Friday night. As you know I truly enjoyed meeting the two of you and watching as you both diligently worked at packing our son’s supplies into the two cases and enlightened me to the whole process while the paperwork was done. As I knew this was a great idea to donate the supplies that cannot be returned to our medical suppliers, I felt an enormous warmth while at your home in knowing that this will be a good thing for someone. Brandon was one to stop and help homeless any way he could, or anyone who was less fortunate than he was for that matter. He would be coming out of the hospital after a radiation treatment and want to give change or coffee or something to the homeless he would see near Princess Margaret Hospital. He would be delighted to know what is being done with his unused medical supplies. He would be so happy to know we are doing this in his honour. Thank you for donating your time to a cause such as this, I will do my part to promote the organization as best as I can, especially knowing that kind, caring and considerate folks such as yourselves are involved.”

Canadian Address: 214 Wright Ave (Roncesvalles), Toronto, Ontario

US Address: 3731 E. Casselle Ave, Orange, California
email: [email protected] Tel: +1(657) 348-4236