Christine Seidler delivers a suitcase to Santa Marta

“Christine Seidler and I dropped off two suitcases of medical supplies at the Policlinico in Santa Marta, Cuba, on Sat. Feb. 6. The drop-off at the clinic went very well, and the staff we met thanked us for the items. Christine asked for a tour, which a nurse provided, so I took a couple photos as she showed us around.

In the photo of the three of us, I’m on the left, the receiving doctor is in the middle (I’m sorry we didn’t get her name) and Christine is on the right.

As you’ll see from the sheet they filled out, they really need gloves if anyone is heading that way soon. The clinic is easy to get to from Varadero – it’s just across the bridge as you leave Varadero. 
One thing we thought might be useful for other NJTT travelers is a look at the customs form they’ll fill out for Cuban Customs – I’ve attached a photo I took, and I’ve highlighted in red the section that gave us some pause – we eventually left it blank, but I’m not sure if that’s what you’d recommend. We had no hassles at all from the Cuban customs officials we dealt with.”

-Kelly Hayward

Special Thanks To Air Canada!!

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