Brian and Karen take a suitcase to Dominican Republic

Here’s a touching suitcase story from Brian and Karen, who recently went to Dominican Republic! Thank you so much for sharing your experience!

Suitcase #212, an experience to remember.

We took a suitcase to the Dominican Republic as first timers this year. Upon arriving at the hotel we discussed the contents of #212 with a very engaged young man who worked at the resort. After asking him to direct us to a nearby clinic for people without money his passion for his Country really began to show. He directed us to Higuey, just over an hour by bus from our location. I asked him to circle on a map the location in Higuey of a clinic in need of this type of supplies. He insisted on accompanying us as he felt our Spanish skills were somewhat lacking and wanted to help. We set a plan to deliver the suitcase on the Monday.

On Monday morning we left the Resort and were waiting for the Bus to Higuey. Orlando, our new friend directed us away from a disagreement amongst two groups of Taxi drivers and around the corner to wait for the bus. While we were waiting one of the groups came up to us and demanded that we were to take a Taxi to the Clinic or they would call the police. It was quite amusing to me because knowing what was in the suitcase, a Police escort to the Clinic would have made a great story even better. After we boarded the bus the Taxi drivers dispersed.

Upon arriving in Higuey we got off the bus at Basilica de Higuey in the center of the city. A short walk later we were at a Hospital that only treats the very poor. We were there to meet with a Dr. who divides his time between four very poor clinics around the Hospital, visiting each one on a daily basis. We were shown around the Hospital and took a few pictures trying not to show people’s faces or treatment areas. We were recognized as being Canadian right away and approached and greeted by many patients, probably curious as to our reasoning for being there. After meeting with the Dr. and showing him both the paperwork from NJTT and the contents of #212 we then went to meet with the Director of the Hospital. They discussed the suitcase and its contents at length in Spanish, taking out items and examining them repeatedly thanking us and the people of Canada for helping their country. Orlando provided us with the conversation translated into English. They were very grateful to both NJTT and the people of Canada for providing such needed supplies.

After taking the Photos with the two Doctors we then headed out to get a taxi to meet Orlando’s family. The Clinic Doctor, in a show of his appreciation got his personal vehicle and drove us to Orlando’s home. There we met his lovely family, his Wife Jinette, their son Michael Orlando and their daughter Jirianny Nicole. We also met his Aunt Josefa. After lunch we sat in their home and talked for a while. It was during this time we discovered the motivation behind his passion. Recently a group of Doctors from Florida had come to Higuey and performed surgery on many people who otherwise could not have had the care they needed. His daughter was one of the recipients.

We have been honored to been allowed to be a part of this worthwhile cause and hope to be so blessed with this opportunity again in the future.

Brian and Karen

Canadian Address: 214 Wright Ave (Roncesvalles), Toronto, Ontario

US Address: 3731 E. Casselle Ave, Orange, California
email: [email protected] Tel: +1(657) 348-4236