Alexa takes a suitcase to El Salvador

“You should have seen the look on their faces when all the clean supplies came in. They had been using rags to stop wounds from bleeding. “- Alexa and team take 7 suitcases to El Salvador

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“We found three very worthy medical centres for the supplies. One was a rural village, in the La Bermuda area of San Salvador, of 200 hundred people who work the fields and have a clinic built for them, that is completely empty; not a bandaid or a painkiller to be found. They have a woman trained in basic first aid and midwifery to care for them and a doctor that comes every few months. You should have seen the look on their faces when all the clean supplies came in. They had been using rags to stop wounds from bleeding.

The second location was a rural town called Aguilares. This town had a clinic with a nurse and a doctor (who was out on a house call at the time). They were so grateful to receive supplies as their one room building had very little in it. The nurse told me they frequently have nothing to offer their patience who arrive in desperate need. “Sometimes, ” she said, “we have the medication but no syringes to administer it with, sometimes no medication, just the syringes. It is very hard.”

We took some of the more sophisticated medical supplies (things the village and town weren’t able to use) to a local hospice, Hospital Divina Providencia, that runs completely on donations in the city of El Salvador. This is the hospital were Oscar Romero (who is now a candidate for sainthood) lived and was killed for his work the poor. ” – Alexa G, Downtown Toronto

Canadian Address: 214 Wright Ave (Roncesvalles), Toronto, Ontario

US Address: 3731 E. Casselle Ave, Orange, California
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