Paul and Colleen take a suitcase to Cuba

Thank you very much to Paul & Colleen for taking supplies to Cuba! [NJT Toronto] They made 3 deliveries to 3 clinics, and it sounds like a wonderful trip!

“We are lucky to have made the acquaintance of Diamela, a cardiovascular surgeon, who went thru the suitcases with us and divided the stuff for what a hospital could use and what a country clinic could use. We then decided to split that suitcase in half so we could help 2 small communities.

The first place we visited on November 28, 2017 and dropped a full suitcase was at Hospital General Dr. Juan Bruno Zayas Alfonso where we met and turned over the suitcase to the Assistant Administrator and Diamela. We had a brief tour of the hospital, a very busy place, and saw a few of the many courtyards for patients to relax in. This is an old building, and the largest Hospital in Santiago de Cuba.

The second place we visited on December 2, 2017 and dropped a half a suitcase at was Consultorio Medico de la Familia, between Santiago de Cuba and Pillion. Here, the Doctor (only one) was away from the office to deliver a baby, but the note said to contact the nurse in house next door. He proudly showed us a very small, very clean clinic with outdated equipment. When we wanted to take the pictures of him receiving the supplies, he insisted on changing into his uniform. He was so appreciative. They need a second BP cuff and suture kits if we can as they are a logging community and deal with many cut injuries from machetes which they use for logging. We will take it back to them on our next visit in mid February.

Our third stop on December 6, 2017 was at Consultorio Extendido Sabana between Barcoa and Guantanamo on the other side of the Sierra Maestra Mountains. It is situated beside a school and also deal with loggers. We were short on time here but the nurses and Doctors (3), though busy, were very appreciative and all came to look at the supplies.

We had to explain to both clinics what the alcohol wipes were – they had never seen them before – and they were amazed at how much easier they would be to use.

We so enjoyed our time there with many adventures and a lot of travelling (2000+km). We hope this is what you were looking for and will be in contact soon to possibly get another suitcase to take.”

Canadian Address: 214 Wright Ave (Roncesvalles), Toronto, Ontario

US Address: 3731 E. Casselle Ave, Orange, California
email: [email protected] Tel: +1(657) 348-4236