Hilary takes a suitcase to Havana

Big thanks to Hilary for taking a suitcase on a recent tril to Havana, Cuba! [NJT Toronto]

“It was no problem bringing the suitcase of supplies into Cuba, but the people whom I met once I arrived at the hotel were a bit reticent to accept it. I was told that Cubans are still suspicious of strangers.

Ultimately, I asked a tour guide to assist me, so she took me to the local maternity hospital in the Old Havana District, where it was decided that I would come back alone the next day to give it to reception, who would then pass it along to their pharmacy. Happily, the handover went smoothly as planned. I’m told that the hospital and the Cuban people were very grateful for our gift. I’m attaching a photo of me outside the hospital in Old Havana with the suitcase.

Thanks for everything,

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