Huge thanks to Susan and Francis for taking supplies on their trip to Jibacoa, Cuba! ^_^ [NJT Toronto]
“My friend Francis and I carried a suitcase of supplies to Cuba.
On April 10th we took a taxi from our resort to Policlinico Canasi near Jibacoa and dropped off the suitcase of supplies. The taxi’s tour guide talked to the clinic staff for us, and we joined them in an office while the staff looking through the suitcase and read off each item included. They were very welcoming and grateful for the donation.
After they looked through the suitcase, the director filled out the form and included some preferences of items they’d love to receive in the future. It certainly sounded like they needed more supplies and would welcome any donations. It is a small local clinic, so they treat what they can and then transfer more serious issues to a hospital. Picture #3 shows the lab where they do bloodwork. They also said that any items they can’t use they would donate to a different clinic.
Afterwards they took us on a short tour and graciously allowed me to take some photos.