Brian and Karen deliver a suitcase to Dominican Republic

“During a vacation to the Rio San Juan area we delivered a suitcase from NJTT to the Dominican Republic once again in November of 2016. Upon arriving at our resort we began asking staff members if they could direct us to a nearby Small Clinic for the needy. Our Spanish is not very good and each Clinic that was mentioned to us, upon researching was more intended for tourists and people with the ability to pay for their services. During breakfast one morning we met Patricia at the omelet station and noticed her Spanish was excellent. We then asked her if she would mind being a translator for us through one of the local people. We told her what it was for and that we would take a Taxi to make the delivery, we just needed the location of an appropriate Clinic circled on a map. She informed us that she and her Mom were going to the bank in Rio San Juan that morning and would drive us. After checking with her Mother Paula we set a plan to deliver the suitcase that morning, both Patricia and Paula were very engaged with the idea. They asked if we would like to accompany them for the day seeing some local sights with their family, and if not they would bring us back to the resort and would continue their day afterwards. We were honored to have been asked to join them for the day, what an amazing family! We drove to Rio San Juan and checked out two local Clinics that did not appear to be in need as they were fairly modernized. We were then directed to a local Hospital that treats the most in need. After meeting with the staff and showing them both the paperwork from NJTT and the contents of the suitcase we completed the paperwork part and were told that the area, due to recent heavy rains and flooding had been declared a Disaster zone and the supplies were very appreciated. We had seen extensive flooding on our way to the resort and also on the way to Rio San Juan. We then left the Hospital and went to Laguna Du Du in Cabrera. It was wonderful, scenic and very interesting. I highly recommend it as a day trip. Following that we went to Playa Grande also in the Cabrera area. It is a beautiful beach nestled in a cove with golden sands surrounded by hills covered with lush tropical vegetation, truly picturesque. There is a very cool Bar and Local Food is available there as well. We have been honoured to been allowed to be a part of this worthwhile cause and hope to be so blessed with this opportunity again in the future. “
Brian and Karen

Canadian Address: 214 Wright Ave (Roncesvalles), Toronto, Ontario

US Address: 3731 E. Casselle Ave, Orange, California
email: [email protected] Tel: +1(657) 348-4236