Chantal & Darryl delivers a suitcase to Holguin

The amazing team of Chantal and Darryl, & Sheryl and Bob delivered medical supplies to Holguin, Cuba, way to go everyone! [NJT Manitoba]

“Here is a picture of the delivery of the medical supplies. Our daughter happened to require medical assistance while we were in Holguin.

Having seen the hospital first hand has definitely reinforced the need for the continued delivery of these much needed supplies in this country. The skill level of the medical professionals is quite amazing, even despite the conditions that they work in.

We will continue to bring a suitcase of medical supplies to take to Cuba when we are able to, and I will continue to promote the act of bringing medical supplies to my fellow Canadians who travel to Cuba for vacation.

I personally thank you and your volunteers for your great effort. I will be doing my utmost to promote your organization by encouraging anyone travelling especially to Cuba to deliver these much needed medical supplies to the incredibly well-deserving Cuban people.

Thank you for this opportunity. ​
Chantal & Darryl / Sheryl & Bob”

Canadian Address: 214 Wright Ave (Roncesvalles), Toronto, Ontario

US Address: 3731 E. Casselle Ave, Orange, California
email: [email protected] Tel: +1(657) 348-4236