Andy takes a suitcase to Santa Maria

Big thanks to Andy for taking a suitcase on his trip to Cayo Santa Maria, Cuba! Thank you for being more than a tourist [NJT Toronto]

“Cayo Santa Maria is very isolated and far from the nearest town, over 50 km via a causeway. There were no buses available or cars to rent when i was there. The only way to get the suitcase was via scooter or cab. Please note cab cost are a minimum of 80 CUC return. I was forced to drop the bag at the international clinic where the director – doctor assured me he serviced both Cubans and tourist. Any items he could not use would go to the Santa Clara hospital.

Being an international Clinic it was well maintained and clean.

It is important to help those less fortunate. the hardship and cost of carrying an extra suitcase is nominal compared to the good it does.


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