“I felt privileged to share supplies with a colleague in another country who also shares my passion for community nursing!” the amazing Eileen took a suitcase to Cuba, thank you so much! <3 [NJT Toronto]
“I took a NJT suitcase of medical supplies for Consultorio # 22 in Santa Lucia , a small village in the Cuba countryside, in Holguin Province. We flew into the Holguin Airport . I had declared the contents of the suitcase as listed on the introductory letter as a Humanitarian Medical Gift and did not have any issues, we were waved Customs with a smile!
I met with the Clinic Nurse, Anelis Reyes and as she went through the suitcase contents with me , she was so grateful and told me how she and the Doctor would be able to use everything as she described the medical needs of the patients that they care for on a daily basis. We came with a translator but the Nurse made every effort to communicate in English. As a Nurse who works in a community setting, I felt privileged to share supplies with a colleague in another country who also shares my passion for community nursing!
Thank You NJT Toronto
Eileen, R.N.”